Monday, December 01, 2008

Nerd Alert!

I am the match secretary for the Angels, which means I am working diligently to create our schedule for this spring. During one of my bouts of pregnancy-induced insomnia, I decided I wanted there to be a map showing the women's rugby teams so I could judge how far away they all were. But there isn't really such a map. So I fiddled around in google maps and made one! Behold:

View Larger Map

Now please know it's just a rough draft, but how cool is that? I can click on the pins and see how far away the teams are and get driving directions. Or I can color code based on D1, D2, College, etc. I think those are my future plans for the map. I can also add notes to keep track of who owes whom an away game/home game for future reference, keep track of scores.

I think technology is just absolutely swell. God bless insomnia! God bless Google!

If you think your rugby team is within 6 hours' driving of Pittsburgh and want me to add you to my map, you should tell me and I will!


JL said...

how far is chicago? come play us! :)

i bet you could get here in six hours if you all drove like crazy people.

Anonymous said...

very nice map Rank, I approve!

Pink said...

This is awesome!! I was trying to figure out if my cousin (who goes to Frostburg) lived anywhere near a rugby team and wished something like this existed... and now it does!

I'm also amused that you put the Furies and the Stingers on the same pin. :)

Anonymous said...

Well done Katy.

ninny said...

i hope you're not using up all of your baby's brains...

Emily said...

you know i love this.

the angels should come play philly mixed this spring!