Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I just checked the website and I'll be doing freaking Fran tonight at Crossfit. For those unfamiliar with Fran, here is a video that should explain my feelings of apprehension:

Now, I assure you I will take longer than 2:48 to complete this workout. That woman is a beastly, amazing superhero. I will also not be doing 85# for my thrusters and, most likely, I'll have to do jumping pullups. Basically, I will cower in the shadow of her wonderousness. I'll update later with my time and weight. If I live...

**Update: I did Fran in 5:15 using 40# weight for the thrusters...which isn't too terrible considering I was wrong about the prescribed weight for women. 65#. Not too far time I know I can crack 5 minutes.


Valtastic said...

i love this video becuase it you watch carefully the guy is a pansy... he does pull ups the easy way..

kk said...

Your mom and I use to work out like that all the time:+)

Jane said...

Hmmm...I thought maybe it had something to do with Franny!

JL said...

is this what you do for crossfit? geez. i think my right arm would fall off, haha.

the word verification is parboobs. and i'm writing you a comment on my new macbook. it's beautiful. i heart it.