Monday, December 22, 2008

The Most Beautiful Sight in the World

We had our ultrasound today! It was such a relief for me to see our tiny baby alive and well and hiccupping all over the place. I had myself convinced last week that I had somehow killed the baby. This is mostly because of, where all the mothers have some sort of catastrophe and don't like me because I spoke negatively about Suzie from Survivor.

(I should know better than to lurk around a place that disapproves of people speaking their minds about television characters)

Anyway, as soon as the technician put the wand to my belly, we could see a fully formed human lurking inside there. With ears. And little arms that he or she waved around like mad. I never felt anything so powerful in my life as I did looking at that screen. There's a person. Inside me. For real. This is really happening.

Of course I knew all of this before, but looking at the baby move around really solidified everything. There's a baby in there, and I love that baby so much, so fiercely that I feel completely empowered.


Laura V said...

Just stay off the online baby forums! They are crazymaking and dumb.

Laura V said...

P.S. Cute baby!

Anon said...

Congratulations, it's so exciting to see the baby for the first time and to hear the heart beat. My wife and I are 5 months along, too.

kk said...

What a great picture. Are there really people out there that liked Susie from Survivor?

JL said...

there's a baby inside!

Anonymous said...

Great image! Congratulations and happy holidays!