Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Thank you, Billy!

Billy, my Brother In Law (BIL...get it?) is next up on my gratitude list. His is the gift that will give for a long, long time. For Christmas, he gave me a case of CDs. Those CDs contain every episode of Survivor ever filmed, including reunions and bonus interview episodes!!!

I freaking love that show. I get very caught up in it. I remember when I began college and the first season aired, I just didn't understand why everyone made such a big deal about it. I avoided watching it on purpose because I didn't want to be one of THOSE people. Heck, my rugby coach even ended practice early the night of the finale. My rugby coach, who believes that rugby should never, ever be canceled, ended practice early on in the months leading up to the national championship.

Now, years later when I'm totally hooked, I can see why. That first season was amazing! And so was season two! And three! And eight! (I don't watch in order, necessarily)

Since I received the present, I've watched 1.8 seasons. I find I stay up much later than I want to and linger longer than I want for lunch and breakfast breaks, trying to cram in episodes while food simmers or laundry dries. While I will be taking a small rest after I finish season 8, I know that I will enjoy this gift for...probably ever.

Thanks, Billy!


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