Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have a very busy day planned. I am working on some projects all morning, and then having CUPCAKES in Squirrel Hill with my friend Elaine. After that (and who could ever think something could be better than that??) I am playing SCRABBLE with my friend Sulli's boy-toy, who I suppose also doubles as my friend Travis. After that, I am picking up my box full of pastured beef in Oakland and grilling myself some dinner. I'll probably round out my evening with a nice long ride on Etienne and some sit-ups in the park.

I ask you, could there be a more perfect day in the universe?

I think the answer is yes, because immediately following all this glory, my friend Val flies in from Boston. Together, we shall eat more cupcakes, watch baseball, play rugby, and stuff our faces on vegan brunch. Then I might share some pastured beef with her and do puzzles. It's like I'm on vacation in my own town.

I love the way that summer surprises me with strings of days like this. When the weather is warm, somehow everything promises to be all right and I find more space in the days for playing. Or perhaps the fact that I've spent three years cranking out 12-hour days makes me feel like I need long periods of extended enjoyment. Someday very soon I will be on here lamenting the huge pile of freelance projects eating holes in my day. But for now, I am going to aim for a triple word score with "xu."


Valtastic said...

How can we go from Vegan Brunch to pastured beef??? Something feels very wrong about that but I'm super excited! :)

Jane said...

Where is Corey in all this?

ninny said...

val - i thought you'd be more into the cupcakes than the vegan beef!! wish i could join you...

Valtastic said...

Oh there will be cupcakes Ninny! That's the first stop at 9am! :)