Thursday, September 13, 2007


I have decided a few things:

1) Because of the bus cuts, I cannot depend on the bus for transportation anymore. It's impractical to use an hour to journey 4 miles from campus to my house. If the weather is too poor for bike riding, I will have to drive and hurt nature or Corey will have to pick me up at work at night, and also hurt nature. The Port Authority bus cuts have just increased my family's carbon footprint, but I can't get home from work later than 10pm when I get off at 9. I just can't do it. Goodbye, 71A.

2) I will wear shoes from now until April, possibly May. The temperature has dropped such that I can stand to cover my feet. Perhaps because my rhino hide callouses don't breathe, I can't bear to have anything touching them unless it is under 70 degrees. I get too hot. My whole body heats up. It's like my feet are space heaters. Even in winter, I tend to leave them sticking out from the covers just so I can stand myself. The lovely fall weather has come and so I will wear shoes instead of $1 rubber flip flops.

3) Corey and I will have date night on Fridays. As tempting and important as team dinners sound before our matches, I need to spend time with my husband. It's terrible to wake up after he's left for work and get home after he's in bed. I see him less now than when he lived in the filthy bike house in college and I refused to go in there. We already have two cool dates lined up: the Chihuley glass exhibit and the Nakashima exhibit. We're very artistic and refined. Ha! After each date, we will ride our bikes home and sit on the sofa in our underpants eating nuts and watching Trailer Park Boys. (With the shades down, of course)

4) We will get a driveway. I may have mentioned that our house has a driveway, but it is narrower than any motorized vehicle except a motorcycle. We've been putzing around getting a contractor to remove the curb and enormous bushes, thus making space for a car. Well, today is street cleaning on one side of the street. Corey rode his bike to work, so we have two cars at home to finagle. I was headed toward the last empty spot on our block when I noticed the little old man from across the street also headed for that spot. We had a standoff. I won. He had to go park down the hill and I feel badly about this. I can picture him now, still limping slowly home...We shall have a driveway and this will never happen again.


Anonymous said...

my parents went to the Chihuley glass exhibit when they were in Pburgh a few weeks ago, they said it was the best exhibit they've seen at Phipps in ages :) enjoy.

Valtastic said...

In the future can you please say underwear... underpants and panties are the two worst words. Most people don't like moist but I dislike underpants and panties.

Yay for driveways and dates with Corey... when did you guys get a second car?

Emily said...

I think dating your husband is about the best idea ever.

Also, there is nothing wrong with underpants. I don't love panties (as a word), but underwear is kind of...clinical. Underpants brings to mind fun colors and such, and should be utilized.

Valtastic said...

i'm still a nay on underpants... they make me think of big baggy annoying shorts under your pants.. kinda like girls wearing boxes..