Saturday, January 13, 2007

Slip da Jab

Today I learned to slip the jab. We worked on defense for a long time in my boxing lesson and then did a bunch of upper cuts. Apparently, I grunt a lot when I punch. And that just makes it feel more awesome. I was shocked to discover that I don't close my eyes when I get punched. This is good, because if my eyes are open I can see to throw a left hook after I slip the jab.

Look at me go with my boxing lingo. How much of that is from lessons and how much of that is from Rocky, I wonder?

After my lesson, I ate lunch in the food court with Paul, my sparring partner/classmate. As it would happen, every single one of my students was eating lunch outside the fitness center. Even the sausage kid. They all started filing past my table one at a time, giving me hugs and high fives and then staring at Paul before going back to their food.

I know they all think Paul is Corey. This threw me into an obsessive compulsive mental battle. First of all, Corey is super hot. Obviously I am not in love with Paul and don't think he is as hot as Corey. So I feel concerned that my students don't understand that I have a hot fella.

Then I was freaking out that I was concerned with my students' impressions of my hot partner. Why should I care about their opinion of my Cookie Pie? They know I am engaged because they ask and I told them, but is it TMI for them to know anything else? Am I crossing a mental line with my concern of their opinions?

Then, finally, I was a little sad that I didn't want anyone to confuse Paul for Corey. Because he is so nice and wonderful, but, again, not Corey. Am I a bad friend to Paul because I didn't want my kiddos to think he was Corey?

I wished we could have run into everyone before boxing, so I could have punched out my obsessive thoughts about this. Now they are going to bounce around in there all weekend, jabbing me in the head until I go to work on Tuesday.

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