So, yesterday I went to the sporting goods store and bought myself these:

My writer friend Paul bought me hand wraps as a gift and spent 2 hours teaching me footwork, basic punches, defense, and sparring stuff yesterday. It was so invigorating! Every time I wailed a jab/cross combination into the punching bag, I felt like a million dollars. As I started to get better at it, I was using my hips and my whole core and really punching from deep within my guts. Never, ever has anything felt so satisfying.
Not even breaking off the scrum and smacking a slow scrum half before she can pass the ball out. Not even driving 4 people off a defensive ruck on your own. If hitting the bag was so intense, I can't wait to see what happens when I progress to punching in the face.
Today my arms are terribly sore. My fingers are kind of shaky and the space between my shoulders aches a lot. But I know that in a few months I am going to have Madonna arms and have released a lot of pre-wedding, pre-manuscript deadline anxiety in a very healthy way. Maybe someday I'll go into the ring and actually fight somebody! (After the honeymoon, it could even be Corey)
just don't break your nose before the wedding!!
Or Corey's
omg so you were totally in my dream last night, wearing your pink boxing gloves and these weird orange and white shoes, and you were learning to box from uncles ronny & tommy. how random is that? of course, in the same dream, i was also calvin of comic strip fame, trying to make it home to my house through a snow storm with a gigantic couch cushion, and i got some help from suzie (calvin's girl nemesis in the comic) to build a fire because i needed warmth as i rested under a tree in a forest, until she tried to use the couch cushion as fuel when i wanted to use it as shelter from the wind. you boxing with ronny & tommy was a brief interlude.
Awesomeness. My athletic phase started with fitness kickboxing classes. Punching bags are so therapeutic.
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