Monday, January 29, 2007

Many Photographs

(wine making supplies!)

Corey's parents came to visit this weekend, so we took them to a roller derby bout, fed them cupcakes and showed them the house. Oh, and just because it was 20 degrees and snowing, we went to the zoo! I can't decide which activity was more fun. The roller derby bout was outstanding. Such spectacle! Such glitz! Such physical contact! I couldn't even bear to recruit those girls for rugby, so happy were they in their own niche, slamming each other to the ground and whizzing around the track. I can't decide what my roller derby name would be if I joined. I was thinking Kat Asstrophy, but that's too long for a shirt.

(Herb gazing upon the house)

(more house)

I keep having dreams about Elsa Slam and the other Wrecking Dolls. They were my favorite. I was really bummed to discover that only close personal friends of the Wrecking Dolls could get special shirts. The rest of us fans had some less exciting merchandise options. I want a Scary Schaivo shirt. Or an Anita Cocktail shirt. How fun would I be rocking that to work?

(terrible picture of the Wrecking Dolls and the phatty hairdo in my vision path)

Also, the zoo in the winter time is flipping equally outstanding. I think it's because of all the baby creatures. Yesterday, we watched baby tigers run around, baby monkeys cling to their mothers, and a baby orangutan nursing! Then the mother orangutan drank milk from her own boob, so that got weird. We looked at her funny and she scooped up the baby and hid under a part of the habitat where we couldn't see her.

(baby orangutan and the mom)

I celebrated both fun activities by eating 1.5 cupcakes. I felt as though the Cosmo cranberry cupcake was slightly ungood, while the chocolate is as delicious as ever and the red velvet was a stunner. I propose selling cupcakes at Roller Derby events. I could eat the cake portion and sling icing at the skaters I want to lose. Man, I wish I were more punk rock so I would fit in better at roller derby. I find myself wondering which sport is more scary, more tough. Rugby has more collisions, for sure, but this league is just getting started. Maybe by this time next year, I wouldn't even consider getting into the rink with those ladies. Agh! my brain feels full.


kk said...

When I was a kid we use to watch roller derby every Sunday night on our TV that had 3 channels. I loved roller derby and I'm glad it is making a comeback. Please join so I can come and watch you. Just dye your hair pink again. The house looks great. When do you move in????????

freya said...

I can't believe you didn't like the cosmo! I thought it was pretty yummy myself.
Did you guys actually buy that house?!?

PeaceLoveMath said...
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PeaceLoveMath said...

they did a story on NPR about roller derby making a come back. sounds like a blast! wouldn't get into the rink with them either, mainly because i suck at roller skating.

Katy said...

we didn't purchase the home yet. we would love to, however!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a Wrecking Doll (found your site googling us...looking for pics from the bout!). I'm so geekily excited that we have fans!!! You don't have to be a special friend of ours to get t-shirts...we just had a very limited amount. But we'll have 'em for sale at our bout in April and possibly at our karaoke event at the 31st st pub on Feb.15. We'd LOVE to see you at those! Thanks for supporting derby and the Wrecking Dolls!

Katy said...

well obviously i will need to get to some karaoke so i can buy a shirt! this is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Scary Schiavo and I will provide you with a Scary Schiavo shirt.

kk said...

I remembered on sunday nights the roller derby team was named "The Warriors"

Anonymous said...

We are all thrilled that roller derby is making a comeback too!!! You will have to let us know when you and your rugby girls are doing a fundraiser or having a game so we can support you too!!!!

~Sharon Fluids #69