Friday, February 15, 2008


I love Haikus. I'm pretty good at them, I feel like, and I write them sometimes for my father-in-law for his birthday and often in the shower. You might imagine how excited I was to learn that the half-time show of last night's grad student reading was a Haiku contest. We nerds were called upon to write Valentine's Haikus on the spot and mine stunk:

A chocolate cupcake
Awaits me this Valentine's--
My first as a wife

Note that I chose to use chocolate as a 2-syllable word this time. Note also how horribly confusing the Haiku is. Is the cupcake my first as a wife? The Valentine? Note additionally that the whole thing is sappy and gross. It's just so terrible. I'm ashamed. I lost the contest and did not win a free beer. I'd like to think I lost because I was so burnt out from preparing my 2.5 hour presentation, presented moments before.

The winner of the contest was my presentation partner. His Haiku was something like this:

You're king of the world!
My heart will always go on.
How's the water, hon?

The second place one went something like this:
F*@k Valentine's Day
Tomorrow the candy is
half off at Rite-Aid

I'm not sure who wrote that one, but he or she was probably a wonderfully witty writer with improvisational skills far surpassing my own.


Emily said...

i love them all

P said...

National Geographic has a feature on a haiku master this month, if you can find a copy. |=)

Valtastic said...

Check out this:

In case the link doesn't work:
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

Yes that's my sisters new BF...

PeaceLoveMath said...
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PeaceLoveMath said...

My personal favorite is limericks:
The syllables aren't quite so rigid. It
takes me more time
to think of the rhymes,
So on-the-spot writing is quite a trick!

JL said...

thank you for sharing your haiku, even though you dislike it. that is brave. :)

happy belated vd-day!

Adri said...

Sarah Harris all the way.
She's really into candy from Rite-Aid. :)

Vote for her: