Monday, April 30, 2007

Elephantitus of the Brain

Let's all take a minute to talk about my little sister. Miss Betsy, gorgeous and beautiful princess that she is, was out running the other day. She is very svelte. Always has been. She runs way faster than me and, during the one and only rugby practice I have managed to drag her to in the past 8 years, outperformed me and was more aggressive. She is one of those thin, little, shapely people who looks really good in Lycra but knows better than to wear it in public.

Back to her jog. She was moving along down the sidewalk at a steady clip and had to swerve left to avoid a gaggle of sidewalk hoggers. We all know the type. They stand there, four wide, in clusters, oblivious to other activities. I'm sure Betsy growled internally as she had to pump her arms a little harder and step off the curb to get around them.

But she fell! And twisted her ankle! And the sidewalk hoggers didn't try to help, only said "Man, that sucks." My poor sister. The family urged her to go to the doctor. To seek treatment. But she insists she is fine. Her ankle is fine. What do you think?

Is that cankle fine?


Emily said...

I think that is awfully swollen to not see a doc....

Anonymous said...

That's looks like the proportion of a baby's foot... she needs the doctor so her ankle looks pretty in her shoes at your wedding.. and so she can run again... just think.. until she heals you can run faster :P Tell her to get better!

~Val :)

Anonymous said...

When usually normal-looking ankles look like mine do normally, it's time to see a doctor.

Anonymous said...

that's her ankle? tell her she should go see a doctor. she should especially heed this advice because it's coming from an insane rugger that hates health care. this is jenny lui. i can't access my blogger account. fucking google.

Anonymous said...

p.s. why do you keep talking about toilets? heart you. see you soon. j lui

Anonymous said...

i agree with jenny lui... given all the ankle issues i have had and the fact that i refuse to seek medical attention 99% of the time, that ankle does NOT look good!! ouch.