My Aunt Jane was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will soon be losing her hair to chemo. So my Christmas gift to her is a hat--a very special hat for which I found the pattern at
Knitty. This hat serves several purposes. It will keep her head warm in this "winter" weather. (I know it will dip below freezing at some point. I just know it) But this extra special hat will also give her the appearance of having hair. Look at it! Look at this hat! Have you ever seen such a thing??

Let me tell you how fun it wasn't to knit the curlers into the hat. My fingers are aching, but it was totally worth it. Hopefully, I will get some photos of her actually wearing the hat. My other aunt thinks Jane will never wear this green lovely. I think she's cool enough. I think this will be the warmest, flyest lid on the street. I'd wear one myself if it wasn't so challenging to construct.
That hat is BEYOND awesome. My mom lived in hats a few years ago. And still loves hot rollers. Amazing combination.
Thank you, Katy! I love my new hat and will send you a picture TODAY. Merry Christmas to you and all the Levs.
...and, besides, this is much more interesting than a Rocky blog any day!!!
OMGosh! I totally love that. I would sport it. haha I am sure your aunt loves it. and best of luck to you and your family!! prayers and thoughts for your Aunt. if you ever need a ear or eyes (haha) I am always here (even thought you dont know me. just a passer by, I know what you are going thru)
That is awesome! You should manufacturing these.
You are teh awesome.
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