Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Fungus Friends

One of my students, a wrestler this time, has ringworm. I noticed it on his wrist and proceeded to tell him my horror story of catching the little fungus on the rugby pitch last August. He plans to go home and pour bleach on it so he can still compete for the rest of the semester. Evidently, they quarantine fungal wrestlers so it doesn't spread to the whole team. My student is filled with rage that whomever gave him the fungus didn't stop wrestling, so he's doing the same thing.

I just want this poor boy to not pour bleach on his skin. I also want him to not have fungus for four months like I did. I really want to give him my leftover steroid antifungal creams and shampoos, but it's an NCAA violation to give him anything, even a pencil.

I am sitting in my kitchen filled with worry that he will show up for his appointment tonight with bleach burns all over his body and need skin graphs. Why is tinea such a persistent pesky pain? This is upsetting. Upsetting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh ... I'm sorry, but I think I would have some type of coma-causing fit if I ever got ringworm. I know it's not really a worm and all, but egads. I would probably go swimming in bleach ...

and with that, I'll try to remember I'm not 12 years old.