Monday, March 19, 2007

New Child

Corey and I have a new child. His name is Roomba. He is little and round and maroon. He has a tiny handle in case he scurries away from you and you want to carry him gently back where he belongs. When you turn him on, he sings a little song and then spins happily in a circle, sticking out his little tongue to eat any spare dirt or muck on the carpet.

Sometimes, you can let him run wild on the hardwood floor. He scoots and skitters even faster, eager to find anything you might have hidden beneath the sofa. Like cracker crumbs. He's always so hungry, that little Roomba.

Last night, when we brought him home, we left him alone in the bedroom for an hour. When we came back to check on him, he had scrubbed the entire carpet by himself, eating up all the goldfish crackers I like to munch in bed. I like to just watch him circle the legs of the bureau or slide along the floor under the bed making himself at home. He's so awesome.

I really think Roomba is going to change our lives. All the arguments Corey and I used to get into over who was going to Swiffer the kitchen seem so insignificant now that we have our little guy. I'm going to plug him in and take him for a walk in the hallway just cause I love him so much. When he's done, I'll scoop out his waste bin happily and thank the lucky stars someone loves me enough to buy me such a wonderful family member.


P said...


If it could do steps, I would buy one tomorrow.

P said...

Thought immediately of this post when I read this: