Sunday, March 25, 2007


Well the Chia herbs are not really living. The cilantro is totally dead. I threw that one away earlier today. The chives just looks like a little patch of green pubic hair, so I'm probably going to throw it away soon and the marjoram has mold growing all over the soil, beneath the slowly browning top layer of foliage. The basil might actually be turning into basil. It's hard to tell. Should herbs really take this long to grow? I planted those suckers in December...

The worst part is proving Corey right. He touted such haughtiness about the project and then had to shut his yap when they sprouted. Now he gets to be all smug and say "I told you nothing from Chia would produce anything edible." Whatever. We will eat pesto from my last remaining herb crop. There will be basil in this house!

Which reminds me. Things didn't work out with the wine basement house. This turns out not to be all that bad, because there are some other dandy houses out there that are much more updated. Because our landlord has most likely found a tenant to move into our apartment, that means we need to find a house or face homelessness. Unless we settle on something soon, we will be wandering the streets of Pittsburgh, alone with our basil.


P said...

We just bought a hanging planter for the porch railing and planted herbs this weekend!

Soupie said...

I got couches, yinz are never homeless.

I thought this post was about Chai herbs, like chai tea. In retrospect, i wouldn't want to eat anything that grew on homer simpsons head or the back of a panda.