Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ice Cream

I am back in school, which means the end of seeing Corey. I work or have class until 9 every night but Thursday, which is the one night per week I can get to rugby. I was pretty delighted that I got out of work a tad early last night. Too late to make the end of practice, but plenty of time to pedal home and make Corey take me on a date!

We drove down the hill to the Riverside Cafe, where you can get softserve ice cream and a fantastic view of the Allegheny River. We were so gushy it was almost gross. We got swirly cones with chocolate sprinkles and sat staring at the full moon and listening to young people send text messages to one another.

Then, we drove home and watched two episodes of Trailer Park Boys. At first, I was very irritated by this series and wanted to stab Corey in the eyeballs for bringing it into our lives. Now, I can't get enough. We even watched an episode this morning. Ice cream and trailer parks. This has become our romantic bonding. We have even suggested that a better date would have been to go buy a gallon of ice cream and bring it home, so we could watch the show while we eat it.

I'm not quite sure what I'll do when the weather gets cold and we have watched all the existing episodes of the series. Maybe drop out of school so we can go on real dates?

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