Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Attention Ohio plate EH11ZJ: I am onto you. I hope I get your driver or passengers in class someday so I can fail you for being a little misogynist shit. You think you're so macho, driving down the highway with your "SHOW US YOUR TITS" sign?

Someday, you will have daughters and men like you will objectify her in this manner and you will be horrified. I hope you remember this incident, and how you reacted when our car full of women responded with our own sign: RESPECT WOMEN MORE. Calling us all dykes because we wouldn't show you our breasts reveals your true incapacity to be someone's lover. You will never have a meaningful relationship. You just might die alone, a miserable death with your pornos and your Bud Light and your TV tray.

My small consolation to your misdeed is that when you followed us to the rest stop, your 16-year-old bravery melted away at the sight of our fierce rugby powers. You weren't so tough when you wanted us to eat with you at Burger King, and we refused to acknowledge you, were you?

Now, leave us alone so we can stand on the pedestrian walkway at the rest stop on I-90, where the Mac trucks zoom forward and we can fantasize about them flattening your patriarchal smallness as you fail to look both ways.

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