We were tucking my nephew safely into his child seat and zooming onto the rush-hour traffic. Richard, my brother-in-law, had to make a phone call to his commodities broker and he said "I'm in Philadelphia...Katy is getting married this Sunday." Suddenly, this intensely strange feeling washed over me. Like I had to pee or was covered in poison ivy.
It's really happening. Somebody has agreed to spend a lifetime with me and they are going to start doing it this Sunday. For real.
In junior high, I would lie awake nearly friendless, greasy haired, pimply skinned. I would suck on my bright green schwartz expander and peer through my enormous glasses and pray that someday, someone would realize that I am not heinous. Somewhere in the universe, someone would appreciate me for all my many oddities. I stuck on a crocheted sweater vest over a knitted sweater and went into the world praying, but never knowing for certain, that my yang was roaming the earth.

But I found him somehow. And he doesn't care that I make up weird songs or make strange faces or even that I sometimes don't shower after rugby practice before I climb into bed. He rubs my back when I freak out and calls me out when I act like a hypocrite. Best of all, he sits on the sofa and eats ice cream straight from the carton and watches The Real World with me on my laptop.
And now, he is going to marry me.

that was the sweetest post ever!
...and the photos were an especially nice touch.
This is so exciting. Have a wonderful day, and congratulations!
aww katy you're making me teary-eyed.
and what is a schwartz expander?
You and Corey make such a HANDSOME couple. Love you both!
I can't wait to see you and cookie pie!
a schwartz expander is a retainer, that plastic thing that goes on the roof of your mouth to keep your teeth in line, only instead of just keeping your teeth still like a retainer does after you get your braces off, a schwartz expander pushes the roof of your mouth out from side-to-side, to make it wider...hence, expanding it. I had one too...I'm impressed Katy called it by its technical name, haha. You actually had to put a little peg in the middle of it and expand it every so often. ahh, the days of our youth...haha.
I hope the wedding day went off splendidly.....when y'all get back we need to go out & have dinner & drinks...you & me & Corey & Nat & Luke & Lindz! (This is L&L's idear but I think it is a marvy one.)
now you ARE married! and off on your honeymoon. the wedding and reception were so wonderful!!
that is very cute....adorable really!
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