This time, I knew all the rules and was a very confident and rowdy fan. I was horrified to discover that Scary Schiavo wasn't skating. She has a collar bone injury and won't be back until the May bout.

I was still rooting for the Wrecking Dolls, though. They are clearly the best team, with Navy Blue Dickies uniforms with orange trim, power tools, and characters like Elsa Slam and Sharon Fluids.
Yesterday's bout was on a concrete floor, which was exciting because it was very slippery. Corey said, in his monotone voice before the bout, I bet the girls will slide right into the crowd when they go down tonight. His predictions were very accurate! Despite some skaters having special wheels meant for just that very surface, there were some intense collisions. I have a hoarse voice today from all the excitement.
I personally felt the refereeing was terrible yesterday and that the Wrecking Dolls got shafted. This is not because I am an obsessed fan. For example, Sharon Fluids skated tremendously in the third period and I thought she had gotten at least 12 points. After the jam was over, AFTER, the referees gave her a retroactive penalty, which took her up to 12 penalties. She got sent retroactively to the penalty box, was kicked out of the rest of the bout, and only 4 of her points were valid for that round. So not only did they retroactively penalize her, the Wrecking Dolls had to start the next jam with no jammer! Seriously, this was upsetting.
Afterward, I reached a low point in my adult life. I ran to the team area and got my picture taken with Scary and met her mom and dad.

I fear I have ruined all chances to be actual friends with her. I just can't help it. I think roller derby is really fun and I think it is incredible for youngsters to have tough women characters to look up to. Look at this great picture of Scary signing an autograph:

Don't you all wish you had a tough chick with tattoos to look up to when you were small? I think roller derby will change the world. Women are awesome! Especially when they are on roller skates!
hee! This is Ally McKill - I love that we have an obsessed fan. I'm sure you have not freaked out Scary with your intense fandom - it takes a lot to do that, believe me. Thanks for sticking with us, it was a rough game and it is tough to have so many important teammates injured. Come back in May, hopefully we'll be all healed up by then!
I think Scary is lucky to have you for an obsessed fan. Thanks for the pictures. I wish roller derby was closer to my home. So is rolloer derby on your list of things to do???????
When I visit you I want to see a game/match/event whatever you call it.. Rugby chicks are good to look up to too... as long as it's not at the social...
oh that was me... val...
hey, this is sharon fluids! thank you for all your support adn we are a lucky team to have such a fantastic fan as you!!!!! i was pissed i was kicked out of the game too... oh well i better skate cleaner on the 19th!!!! hope to see you there!!!!
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