Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Today I rode the 500 into campus. I don't usually do that because it comes infrequently, but I looked at the schedule and one was due. The driver was the crankiest person I have ever encountered. And I've seen some curmudgeons in my day.

First, he refused to answer a woman's question about how to find the Carnegie museum. She asked if the bus went there and he said no. She looked startled and confused and was about to get off the bus when I shouted "Just get off at 5th and Bellefield and walk one block to your left!!!" She seemed relieved and sat back down. So I already didn't like him.

Then, when we got to 5th and Morewood, he skidded to a sudden stop and cracked the doors open. He told the people at the stop there was no room on the bus and they had to wait for the next one. The bus was crowded, but not packed. I was angry! Then he started to pull away and people in the aisle started yelling "Hold up! Woah! Wait! Comin' up!"

I kid you not, 19 people filed past me and tried to get off the bus. He was trying to pull away without letting them off. Where's the fire, buddy? Then, I totally assumed their vacated space left ample room for the waiting riders. But no, he slammed the doors shut abruptly behind the last passenger to exit, nearly slicing off her Vera Bradley bag from her back, and zoomed down the road.

For the first time in my bus rider experience, I did not thank the driver when I exited the bus. I always thank all of them, even if they are a little grumpy. This guy did not make me feel grateful and I really wish he would not drive the bus anymore. He just made me upset. I took the 71A home so I would have no chance of seeing him again today.


Jane said...

Find a rider survey to fill out. Even bus drivers should have some empathy.

Anonymous said...

you did not even mention our random street meeting. im sad.

jfischof said...

whatever GW! i'm a busy girl