Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Extreme Annoya

For the past two days I have been really irritated with Corey. I can't figure it out. I feel like I'm in a good mood inside. Then he walks in the door and says something and I want to hurl raw meat in his face. Everything bothers me. He asks if I made dinner and I whip my head around and either hiss that I am not his slave or sassily ask whether a day has gone by in the past 6 years where I have not made him dinner. I'm pretty used to repeating answers to things, but lately when he asks what I did all day I scream at him that "I TOLD YOU YESTERDAY I WORKED TODAY!!!!" or whatever I did.

I think I secretly hate him. This is terrible.

I tried very hard to unearth the root of my upsetness and this is the best I can figure out. The other day, he set his alarm clock for 5 in the morning and then pressed snooze about 34 times until I punched him in the face. I don't know if he really intended to get up at 5am or whether he was drunk and effed up when he was setting the alarm. All I know is his waking habits leave much to be desired.

He sets that thing on a bone-piercing buzzer that intensifies the longer it shrieks. Imagine waking up to that at 5am. You would secretly hate him, too, if you had to listen to that sound every 9 minutes until the sun rose two hours later. That has to be what it is. And I subconsciously have not forgiven him yet. I'm hoping to be over it by this evening.


ninny said...

toss the alarm clock and get him a new one!

Chris Mayhew said...

Wow, it's almost like you've worked with him.

Soupie said...






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