Thursday, September 07, 2006


We ran out of soy milk, so my lanky lactard love was unable to eat cereal for breakfast. Rather than make toast or waffles or something typically breakfasty, he made Pasta Roni. Why? More accurately, how can he eat that for breakfast? I feel like typical breakfast foods have a certain bland starchiness, to provide a nice base in the stomach after many hours of no food in there.

To introduce garlic and olive oil angel hair in the morning seems cruel and unusual. I could understand a peanut butter sandwich or a salad maybe, but Pasta Roni? It just seems so wrong, wronger even than cold pizza for breakfast.

Why is it that breakfast time, to me at least, is limited only to breakfast food? I've eaten breakfast for lunches and dinners with no hesitation. I can happily eat other meals at any hour after 11 and never think it's odd. But somehow, the first hours after waking up seem to be reserved for the following things: toast, eggs, cereal, Bisquick products.

Perhaps I am the small minded one here. Maybe I am just too anal retentive to think about Pasta Roni in the morning. I should march into the kitchen right now and whip up a Pad Thai, just because I'm hungry.


kk said...

I'm with you, only breakfast food before 11:00am, but I have been know to wash it down with a beer at penn State games before 8:ooam.

kk said...

I'm with you, only breakfast food before 11:00am, but I have been know to wash it down with a beer at penn State games before 8:ooam.

PeaceLoveMath said...

i agree, breakfast food only. i still can't even do potatoes at bfast, eew. not too much sugar either. cold pizza only very infrequently ;-)