Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My teammate Jess E and I have decided not to wash our rugby things before we leave for our playoff games this weekend. We played on Saturday at Carrick High School and it was kind of cold and not really muddy. It's just not worth it for me to do a load of laundry so I'll have clean shorts and socks for Milwaukee. If anyone asks us, we'll just say we're superstitious and can't bear to wash the gear we wore to win against NOVA. I normally have a spare pair of shorts, but Colorado Sarah has no shorts and I gave her my extras. And I haven't taken the plunge to buy spare game socks yet.

I think if baseball players are allowed to be superstitious about their gear, I can be, too. And how gross is it really? They're just socks and shorts. Plenty of people wear jeans for a whole week without washing them. Is it more gross to wear jeans for one week or shorts for 80 minutes without washing? The best part is that my mouthguard will already be in my left pocket when I take the field and there is no way in the world for me to forget to bring it along.


ninny said...


Anonymous said...

aww katy. i have to admit i hate when front rows wear dirty shorts. especially when they've been holed up in plastic bags for a few days. uggh.