Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sea Legs

I fell over on the bus today. Again. I am totally unable to remain standing in the aisle of the Pittsburgh buses. Why is this? I had no such trouble on the subways in NYC. I could stand with no pole or strap support and even read my book on the subway. I maintained a wide stance, kept my knees bent, and rode the tunnel like a surfboard. But the bus? Forget it.

Sometimes I do okay with certain drivers who, I think, have a good sense of appropriate breaking. But for the most part, I am a drunken sailor stumbling around out there. Today I actually crashed into an elderly lady while trying to hurry into a seat before the driver charged through a stale-yellow light. I feel like they zoom away as soon as they close the door.

The worst is trying to deboard the bus. I don't want to hold everyone up by not moving until the bus stops, but feel incapable of safely walking to the front while the driver is sporadically jerking the break pedal. Luckily my stop is usually quite popular and other people block the aisle anyway, saving me the embarassment of a staggering walk of shame.

One day soon, I know I will be carrying something either fragile or full of liquid and will end up with a face full of pea soup or glass shards in my pants. I should just walk to class. I need the exercise anyway.


Jane said...

Check out brake/break ;) with love from the English teacher...

Katy said...

Oh God! I'm so humiliated! But now it's too late to go fix it...

ninny said...

why don't you ride one of corey's bikes to class? you're not losing brain cells, are you?

Jane said...

You have the Grammar Gene. Don't worry about it!