Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Grad school is very time consuming. This week I am supposed to be going crazy doing all my work plus my work for next week, but the book I am supposed to read is boring. So I can't focus. Plus I started knitting a present for Sami, so I am distracted by that. Plus they put new Sex and the City episodes On Demand. I mean really, how is a girl supposed to concentrate?

Corey and I sat down and talked about goals a few days ago. I decided to print out our goals and put them on the fridge to inspire us, but he ripped his off and took them down. He's so sucky. Jordie will probably leave a comment that I am dorky with my fridge goals, but whatever. I'm just motivated.

For example, I applied to a really prestigious writers' colony for this summer: Hedgebrook. I am super nervous about it. My classmate Taha, who spent last summer there, thinks I have a really good chance because I want to write about women and they are into that there. I am going to apply to three other programs that are beginner centered, but I need to calm down from that application.

ALSO, I have three queries in circulation to three different magazines. I'm totally motivated! Plus, this evening I applied for an internship with the City Paper for the summer time. I think the job was for undergrads, but I'm hoping the editor will read my samples and offer me a job for the summer anyway. Just because I'm awesome.

I'm getting pretty excited for Pumpkinfest this weekend. My team is going as Vikings. Vikings! I am making a cardboard sword and Ellen mailed me the Viking hat from the Park Street basement. All I need is some fur from Jo-Ann's and I am totally set. I wish I could make us a cardboard boat to sail around in. Oh well! I guess I should focus on the rugby aspect of the tournament.

Ok, time for Sex and the City. If I'm not going to do work, I should at least enjoy myself.

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